Health Consultation Final Reports

The group from Sheffield Voices

Sheffield Voices was commissioned by the CCG, which means the Clinical Commissioning Group,  to run a series of events to find out what people with learning disabilities and Autistic people feel about health services in Sheffield. We wanted to do this as Sheffield Voices has been concerned about people with learning disabilities and Autistic people dying too young and a big part of that has been the healthcare they have received. 

People have been reporting to us that the experience in hospital has not been very good. People have been telling us that they cannot get access to their doctor's surgery easily and that people have struggled to get repeat medication. 

Sheffield Voices held two online meetings, a face-to-face meeting, shared a survey and left a phone line open for people to leave messages. 

Overall, we connected with around 100 people who were able to give us their views. 

We are now hoping that the CGG and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals look into the issues we have raised and make the changes to make sure that everyone with a learning disability and Autism has equal access and good healthcare. 

We have written all the information up in a report which you can view the. Health Consulation EasyRead PDF


We have also included a full transcript of all the conversations and some pictures we took of the event. Full Transcriptfrom Health Consultation May 2022

Published by : Andrew Smith

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Art group poster a cartoon paint bush.

A new Friendship Art Group

You may have heard that Sheffield Voices is not currently running an Art Group at the moment, but don’t worry! A new Friendship Art Group is starting on Friday 10th January from 2:00 to 4:00 every Friday.

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Picture of Kathryn Littlewood


We would like to inform you that on the 14th of November, Kathryn Littlewood will be stepping down from her position as the manager of Sheffield Voices to embrace an exciting new opportunity at KeyRing Living in Sheffield.

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Long Covid Poster

Long Covid Project

Sheffield Voices has been working in partnership with Healthwatch Sheffield to create information for people with learning disabilities .

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Contact Information

If you would like to contact us, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us by phone, email, contact form or write a letter to us. Thank you.

Sheffield Voices
The Circle
33 Rockingham Lane
S1 4FW

Phone : 0114 253 6750

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